Never had a hotel I googled before I stayed in yielded such sensational results. LOL. It was my first time being booked into this hotel in the heart of Changi Village so I decided to google the address and such. Before I even got there, the top googled results seemed to showcase its hauntedness. Top 10 Haunted Hotels in Singapore to ML in? Seriously?
The only consolation I had was the room looked good from its picture and sure enough, when I reached, the room I got (Maple) was really nice. My only grip was that the wash basin was located in the balcony -.-"" As if the horror stories wasn't bad enough, I had to go out in the night to brush my teeth before I sleep. Needless to stay, my teeth brushing in the night was happily cancelled. :P
The bed was really plush and comfortable. I saw some of my colleagues' rooms which was the normal room and they were not as nice. It was pretty strange because our company definitely booked us the Maple suit but most of them were given the standard room (I forgot the name they gave) instead. The four cushy pillows given together with my King size bed made me sleep like a babe!
The size of the room was really big for the Maple and facilities pretty new. Their tea and coffee facilities were hidden off the main door in a side cabinet. I missed that until the second day, wondering why were there no kettle provided. LOL. The flat screen TV came with a limited choices in terms of channel selection but internet was pretty fast so no problem streaming movies online instead.

Bathroom was pretty big as well with a clear screen so you can look into your own room or even watch some TV while you bath. :P They did not clean my bathroom daily though so I guess cleanliness was not their top priority. Also, I found ants (the little red ones) in my bed crawling all over the place on my second and third night. I asked my colleagues and they had the same problem. Hmmm. I did NOT eat in my room for all of those night.
Here's the wash basin. It looked good in the day especially with the swing but could be a little creepy at night. Oh my room overlooked the forest? or some you get the idea...

Best thing about this hotel in all of the hotels I have stayed in so far: They give you a FREE Samsung phone for free internet and free international/domestic calls to bring out of the hotel to use. No limits!
Would you stay here? Sure, it was believed to be haunted and the corridor can be a little reminiscence of the asylum movie's corridors but the bed was comfy if you ignore the wash basin and the ants problem. You get free phone to use and the rates are pretty cheap in comparison with some other hotels in Singapore. A little out of the town but Changi Village is quite appealing on its own...
PS: Laundry takes about 2-3 days to be done so be wary when sending your laundry. Also, they use an outside laundry service and I felt a little indignant because I left my Ezylink card in my jeans' pocket and despite calling for many times to their receptionist and ending up calling their restaurant (their receptionist phone was engaged for nearly 2 hours!!!) and quering about it many times, when my laundry came back my card was not there. And the receptionist say if it's not there, then they couldn't do a thing about it. Grr! I know it's my carelessness but the difficulty in calling their reception and the attitude of some of the staff is quite frustrating.
Raintr33 Hotel Singapore
33 Hendon Road Singapore 509673
T. +65 6653 3833
F. +65 6635 2833
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