Thursday 16 December 2010

My Apple Lilies Dessert!

The fridge is brimming with apples (wonders why nobody bothers eating them after so long) so I decided to attempt a lil experiment, hence the title. ;)
I decided to make the petals of my lilies from popiah skin where I overlayed two small pieces together before dipping them in hot oil to get the result below:
As for the apples, I decided to go for the apple-pie's filling. My version of that is done as below:
4 apples of various sizes and types (I had 2 big Fiji apples, 1 medium green apple and 1 red USA apple or something) - you get different textures as they have different 'softening' and 'melting?' time
3 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
8 tbsp of sugar (more or less is up to you) - PS: taste them to adjust the amount during cooking
3/4 cup water
1. Heat up water and sugar in a pot and stir till the sugar melt.
2. Add in the cubed apples and stir. Leave till they are soft, stirring occasionally.
3. Add in cinnamon. Continue stirring until the apples are quite dry (still moist but not so watery) and remove from heat. Leave to cool.
4. Scoop a medium sized portion to the middle of the petals made earlier. ;)

My result:


  1. First time seeing this, something special and easy to make! :D

  2. wow... i going to try this out... thanks..

  3. @phillip ehem! interesting=positive interesting or negative one ah?:P
    @hilda hahaha it was easy..:P

  4. nice one. looks delicious. haha

  5. @small kucing: it works as dessert too ;)
    @joel thanks



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